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Bulb Rescue

Plants amaze me all the time, this morning I was tidying up and found a upturned pot. Under the pot I found bulbs that had fallen out but had started to grow leaves. They had no soil and still, these plucky little bulbs were wanting to grow.

No soil and abandoned 
Growing with no soil

So I have attempted a rescue mission using things I could quickly find. I found a little old terracotta pot and some stones.

Old Pot
Few stones

I had no compost (shocking I know) but I did have a huge molehill, so I grabbed some soil from that and filled the pot just over half full. The only worry I have is that our soil is clay and not sure how it wil work in a pot.will 

Huge Molehill

Some soil added
Then I put the saved bulbs into the pot, they were not easy to arrange, so they have a kind of haphazard look about them. I then covered them with more soil and gave them a good water.

Bulbs put into the pot

Soil added 
I am not sure if they will flower or even survive, but at least they have a fighting chance. I will now get back to the job I went outside to do in the first place. I had better keep on digging that border over.
Twin Mummy and Daddy

Mudpie Fridays
Sparkles & Stretchmarks Sunday Best


  1. I bet they will - I've found bulbs like that too and they almost always survive and usually flower too. Then I end up with pots of random bulbs all over the place!! ☺

    1. ha ha ha I love it and think i will be the same soon xx

  2. I'm sure they will survive but will they flower?

    1. not sure as nothing that looks like buds yet. But they are still alive which I feel I feel is good x

  3. Lovely post as always! What a wonderful surprise to find life in the most unlikely of places. Keep us posted please with how they get on!

    1. So far still alive and yes they make me really happy when I see them xx

  4. Well rescued! I am sure they will flower. I will keep things crossed just in case. :)

  5. A lovely surprise. I love it when everything is coming back to life after winter.x

    1. its such a wonderful time, as i sit writing this the sun is so warm xx

  6. I wish we were at this stage over here in Canada. We're still burried in snow. Can't wait for green grass and sprouting bulbs. #StayClassyMama

    1. Wow i will post more so you can see signs of life. Hope not too long till the snow melts and spring starts xx

  7. What a brilliant approach! I love everything about it. I hope these flower and you are rewarded. I love wine and I want to start sorting our garden and attempt some vegetables - so this could be the perfect place for me to start! #thatfridaylinky

    1. I love it and I have no idea what I am doing just giving it a go. Hope you like the posts and the mistakes I will make xx

  8. Ah hope they do well! Thanks for joining us at #SundayBest - hope you'll join us again tomorrow x

  9. Fingers crossed they survive! I think you'll be surprised at how resilient they are. Thank you for sharing with #SundayBest x

  10. Will we interesting to see if they survive good luck Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please

  11. I would never be able to do anything like this. All my plants die :( Good luck with it and hope they flower. Thank you for sharing with #StayClassyMama

  12. How amazing to find the bulbs growing underneath an upturned pot. Fingers crossed that they will thrive and flower in their new home :-) #bloggerclubuk

  13. I'm not remotely green fingered, despite managing to grow an oak tree when I was little from planting an acorn in an old sink in the garden! Good luck with the bulbs! #blogstravaganza

  14. Oh I hope they flower for you now you've saved them! Thanks so much for sharing with #Blogstravaganza xx

  15. Well done for saving them, I hope they flower. Will keep my fingers crossed! Thanks for linking up with #Blogstravaganza :)


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