Sorry about the lack of meal plans for a couple of weeks, the end of term was like a whirlwind and then we went straight on our holiday. Now we are back to reality with a bit of a bump, it's the summer holidays and Mr MC&W is back working all day in London having both lunch and dinner away from home. Weaning ZAP has been slow and painful at times. I always want to be honest in my updates, he has been weaned on packets and pots finally he is accepting food and I am able to start cooking homemade meals from scratch. Saturday 30th July - Spaghetti Bol this was requested by OB the whole time he was on holiday Sunday 31st July - Roast chicken with roast potatoes and lots of veggies it my and the boys favourite Monday 1st August - I am trying the boys on a simple stir fry again I hope to have some left over chicken and I am trying them on whole grain rice. Let's see how that goes down Tuesday 2nd August- Tuna Fishcakes with lots of salad Wednesday 3rd aAugust - I am ...
A blog full of meal planning ideas with a few recipes thrown in and lots of gardening where you can learn with me along the way.