I am writing this with the wind and rain lashing against the window with a cup of tea and the Olympics highlights on the TV. You would think it was mid-October not the middle of summer. This week Mr MC&W has off work but it is a manic month for his job so we can not make any real plans but we will have a few treat meals. Friday - Scampi or Fish Fingers and Chips and peas Saturday - Lasagna as a ready meal for us all Sunday - Fajitas cooked on the BBQ Monday - Cook Beef Stroganoff with pasta. Tortellini for the boys. Tuesday - Pizza and Salad Wednesday - Fish and Chips on the beach Thursday - Cook honey and ginger chicken with rice. Chicken Curry for the boys.
A blog full of meal planning ideas with a few recipes thrown in and lots of gardening where you can learn with me along the way.