Having a little boy with severely delayed speech and understanding who is also very fussy about food can be a times heartbreaking and other times beyond frustrating. What your trying to do is figure out why your child does not want to eat something with no information other than a plate that's not been touched.
My Miss Marple skills are tested regularly since OB started weaning. I remember thinking deep down he had issues, we would go to a friends house and she would do some lovely little snacks in pots her little boy ate them all beautifully, OB would I can only describe that he would hamster cheek his... So you think he is eating his food then a few moments later he would open his mouth and the food would drop out. Completely unchewed, he had just put it in his mouth and stored it.
I have been asked on several occasions by professionals why I think he is not eating well and I have to say I am baffled. He will eat pizza, chips, roast chicken with roast pots, carrots, broccoli and gravy, tortellini, Pasta with tomatoes or cheese sauce. He also eats many and I mean many non edible items He will eat playdoh like it's sweets or sand and mud like a main meal, this will be a post all on its own. Give him as I did yesterday a plate of slow roast lamb, roast pots, carrots and broccoli nothing just pushed it away strange as he will eat it with chicken.
So please join me on my game of will OB even try.... Each week I will upload our recipe plan and then the results. Maybe with putting it all down I can figure it out or as with so many things it will continue to baffle me :0)
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