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33 Weeks Pregnant where has time gone?

I wonder if I tell myself enough times I will realise that I am 33 very nearly 34 weeks pregnant and that means I only have 7 to 9 weeks max before the baby is born.

Physically I am very aware, the bump is growing at a rather an alarming rate and the kicking is more and more powerful. It is the stage where you watch your top move with a mix of wonder, amazement, shock and a little bit of horror.

The swelling has started, I already have my rings on a necklace, the lesson I learnt from baby number one. Do not leave trying to take your rings off until you are two weeks overdue and about to have an emergency c section, to put it politely it is the last thing you need. Think Dr and nurses in scrubs and soap!!!! I was beginning to wonder if the fire brigade would be called to cut the rings of my finger or worse still cut of my finger, I think you can sense the stress level at that point. Shoes are getting tighter and adding to the fun of trying to get them on and worse off I am starting to lose the ability to reach my feet.

Let's be honest the constant need to have a wee is a tad wearing, This means I am planning a trip out knowing places that have a loo, the advantage of having two small children is a detailed knowledge of such places. The night time is in fact to put it bluntly, annoying me. I hate having to get up for a wee.

I have a third trimester groan, which I let out when I do anything from trying to stand up, sit down, get in the car, get out the car, walk anywhere or in fact do anything.

Combine this with hormones, I am crying at anything, trying to stand up, sit down, get in the car, getting out the car and Christmas adverts one word Mog..... come on give me a break.

It's mentally I am not prepared, to the point that we have brought nothing for the baby other than change the car to a 7 seater, as we need to be able to fit three car seats across the back. This was also good fun for Mr MC&W and we knew there could be a potential wait. But we found one in the showroom and it was ready for us within two weeks.

With our first I could never have imagined someone could be, how can I phrase this nicely... relaxed? sounds nicer than totally disorganised. At this moment in time we have brought noting and I mean nothing, we have a base for the car seat in the loft but no seat to place onto it, no pram, nothing for the baby to sleep in, no clothes, no hospital bag packed in fact no items brought to put into said hospital bag. I think with baby number one at this stage I was bulk cooking and freezing!!!!!

This is only now starting to concern me, what if the baby was to come early?? The reality hit one evening when I had rather bad back ache and was a little concerned it could be the start of something more. Hubby would have to do some sort of emergency baby dash of epic proportions. As wonderful and supportive he is I am not sure what he would return with, not to mention him having to find breast pads along with other padded items (I do not need to go into details).

So my weekend will be writing a list of what we need and putting in some orders. The one upside of this being our third baby I know what I need and what I do not need. I have learnt a lot of lessons on the way but as it would turn out not how to be organised. 

Oh yes and names well that's another item for the list......
A Cornish Mum

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  1. Exciting (and trying!) times for you! We are thinking of having a third baby and the car thing is an issue for us too we would definitely need one with more room for the car seats! Will be following to see how you get on x #PicknMix

  2. I'm so excited for you! Not long at all now....and hoping you're a little more ready?! Ha ;) I'm looking forward to baby photos ;) Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix lovely
    Stevie xx

  3. I'm so excited for you! Not long at all now....and hoping you're a little more ready?! Ha ;) I'm looking forward to baby photos ;) Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix lovely
    Stevie xx

  4. Eek not long now. I had a scare at 32 weeks when they thought I was going into premature labour. I was put on bed rest and signed off work. Gave us a real kick up the bum to get everything ready! Thanks for linking to #PickNMix


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