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Meal Plan Saturday 3rd September 2016

School starts again this week, OB will be entering year 2 and ATM will be starting reception. So we need some quick meals that are easy to prepare and eat as the boys will be shattered.

Saturday - Mr MC&W and I will be having Fajitas from Jamie Oliver's healthy eating cookbook. The boys will be having Fish and Chips as OB has a party on Saturday afternoon.

Sunday - Mr MC&W are having a favourite treat of ours and that's a Charlie Bingham Meal I went for a chicken meal as its not too high in calories. The boys will have Pasta and Broccoli Bake with a cheese sauce

Monday - The Busy Mums Cookbook has a wonderful meal of sausages roasted with red onions and potatoes in honey and mustard. I am going to change this slightly for the boys and roast chipolata sausages with potatoes and a honey and tiny tiny amount of mustard served with peas and green beans

Tuesday - Tiny Meatballs served in a pitta with salad and natural yogurt dressing. The meatballs will be slightly spicy again this will be delicate.

Wednesday - Cheesy Tomato Puff Potatoes from the Busy Mums Cookbook

Thursday - I have this wonderful Italian cookbook and decided I would have a look through it and found a Bacon and Ricotta Sauce Pasta. As you know our family well by now this will be ham not bacon. Sounds lovey.

Friday - Pizza and chips as a lovely treat for the first week at school. The boys favourite is homemade Pizza so i will make the sauce while they are at school.
Mudpie Fridays
A Cornish Mum

Quite Frankly She Said Sunday Best


  1. Mmmmm making my mouth water!! Far more adventurous than I ever am, I must try and do better. A few people have recommended the busy mums cookbook, so maybe I'll look that up! #sundaybest

    1. The plan makes me try new things which is good but hard work sometimes. It's a great book as is Jo Pratt madhouse cookbook xx

  2. Oo lots of yummy meals here! I love meal plan posts because they make the dreaded food shopping so much easier :) #SundayBest

    Helen x

    1. I read lots of others too as need some help with inspiration a lot 😀 Xx

  3. The meatballs in pitta sounds yummy and I adore pasta and broccoli bake! Thanks for linking up to #SundayBest x

    1. I agree a broccoli bake is so yummy, my mistake was popping ours in the oven and making it crispy on top. Children not happy with mummy 😂 Xx

  4. Can I just move in please?! Even I am very rarely impressed with my cooking ;) Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix hope to see you there again tomorrow :)

    Stevie xx


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