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Feeding a Bee with sugar water

Have you ever been in the garden and seen a sad looking bee on the ground not really moving? You watch it for a while realising the poor little chap is really struggling. I have found several bees like this and tried to feed them sugar water. But my attempts to rescue them mainly ended with me trying to drown them, I was really not aiding them during their time of need. But I have finally developed a method that works so I thought I would share.

Mix together white sugar with a little water so that it completely dissolves, RSPB suggests 2 tablespoons of sugar with one tablespoon of water. I used desert spoons but the same ratio. The advice is never to use honey or brown sugar. 

This is what worked for me, move the bee to a paving stone, I used a strong leaf they tend to walk onto it, if not you can easily slide it under them, then drip a small amount of the sugar water in front of the bee. The bee will start to drink the sugar water and you will see it begin to get stronger. It is truly amazing how fast it can happen, they start to walk about and test their wings. I feel real joy when I witness them start to move again as do my children who love to watch.

Once the bee is strong and feeling better I then transferred it to a flower, though a few have just flown off when they have the energy. This was very simple and I hope that you will give it a go if you come across a tired and hungry bee.

If you have water tables or paddling pools please keep a watch out for bees and flying insects that can potentially drown. I have rescued so many, most of them I put on a plant or on a safe stone (where they will not get trodden on) in the sunshine and they dry off quickly and fly away. My children are really good at checking and telling me when one needs rescuing.You may need to give them a helping hand with some sugar water if they have got weak.
Me, Being Mummy
Rhyming with Wine
Twin Mummy and Daddy
Cuddle Fairy


  1. Love this! Will have to try it #bloggerclubuk

    1. Thank you, it's been a lovely way to help out the bees and had to share x

  2. I had no idea you could do this to revive bees! I will definitely give it a try next time I see one, my girls will love it too. Thanks! #bloggerclubuk

    1. Thank you, my boys just love to find a bee and shout mummy sugar water is needed then they watch as they come back and choose a flower. Good luck with your rescue xxx

  3. Great advice - I will definitely give this a try if I see a poorly looking bee x #BloggerClubUK

    1. Fantastic news and I am so pleased this post has helped more to rescue our bees and it's so amazing to do as well. Let me know how it goes xxx

  4. Paul sargerson9 June 2017 at 21:23

    This is a brilliant idea and should be spread far and wide

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I am amazed by the popularity of this post and hope it helps a few more bees get the help they need x

  5. What a great thing to do! #savethebees - Luckily I haven't found any around by us, but I will definitely be teaching my little ones about this trick and to help them when they can! Becky x #blogstravaganza

    1. Thank you. It's just lovely to hear so many people loving the post and remembering it when they may neee it #blogstravaganza

  6. I will definitely remember this, it's so important to help them out. Thanks so much for sharing with #Blogstravaganza xx

    1. It has made me so happy that everyone really wants to help and join in xx

  7. That's good to know, I've always tried feeding them from a spoon and near drowned them. Great pics

  8. Popping back from #bloggerclubuk xx

  9. I would never have thought of doing this. Lovely to hear your children are on board with the rescue. I'll have to look out for struggling bees with the grandkids.

    1. Yes they love it and get really excited, though I think they want the sugar water hee hee hee

  10. Ah I saw this on Facebook, I'm sure I did and the following day we rescued a bee from our children's paddling pool and did this! Thanks for linking up to #ThatFridayLinky

    1. Wow thats great news, so many of them get into paddling pools its such a shame to see but as you know they can be saved xxx #thatfridaylinky

  11. This fascinating never heard of it before very clever Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please

  12. We often find ourselves rescuing bees and this mixture is utter bee heaven! It's like something Mary Popping would create! Save the bees!! �� #stayclassymama ��

  13. Wow I never even thought of doing something like this, had no idea but will definitely be helping save the bees now! Thanks for sharing with #StayClassyMama!

  14. Thank you so much for sharing would never have thought of this! #blogstravaganza

  15. My husband's always rescuing bees too! It's amazing how something so simple can be so effective. Thanks for sharing :) #HoneybeeLinky

  16. I love doing this. Feels very good to help them out! We had a bees nest in our roof earlier this year and had lots on the ground below that needed a bit of support. #HoneybeeLinky

  17. I've seen a few and try to help out if I can, certainly if we are out we move and no sugar water is available we will move them so they don't get hurt. So many people just think they are dead #HoneybeeLinky


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