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Planting Wall Baskets 2017

I finally found the time to plant up the last two wall baskets. We have two more but they are covered in ivy and that is a whole new post.

I had to choose a little quicker than I would have liked, we went to the garden centre as the family of 5 and the eldest two were trying to wreck the water features, despite every threat know to myself and Mr MC&W being thrown at them. 

The Petunia was on buy one get one free and they only had pink ones left so I chose two colours to try and clash them in the same planter.

One was called Neon Pink and the other was Pink and it is not quite the effect I wanted but think it looks good and when they take off will be very colourful.

The next one was a bit different and it is pink again, I left it a little late so the choice was a little limited, to add to this I had to choose fast. I had to read a few labels as I had to find plants that could cope with some shade. This was a big lesson learnt from last year.

As you can see this had a few weeds growing out of it and really needed to be sorted out.

I found these beautiful Lobularia Raspberry Stream which I put at the back of the basket they are very delicate and very pretty, then I found these soft pink Sutera Bacopa which was called Great Pink Beauty. These should trial over the edge of the basket. It is such a pretty delicate combination, I actually really love it. The best part was a hoverfly landed on the Bacopa as I was planting it.

Twin Mummy and Daddy
My Random Musings


  1. I love the colours! I wish I knew the names of plants, but this morning I was in my garden admiring all the colours of the flowers. White, yellow, red, orange, purple - they're beautiful! Thanks for linking up to #ThatFridayLinky

  2. These are really beautiful. I'd love to have colourful baskets like these. #ThatFridayLinky

  3. So pretty, a great splash of colour in any garden #blogstravaganza

  4. These look so pretty! Thanks so much for sharing with #Blogstravaganza xx


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