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Tidying away Annuals and Hanging Baskets

The eldest two are at school and the toddler is safely tucked up in bed for his nap. The sun is trying to peak through the clouds and I need to get outside into the garden.

Type 1 is ruling our lives at the moment, OBs blood sugars are crashing every night. This means he is having a very dangerous hypo, if missed he could fall into a coma and never wake up. We have a Dexcom, this continuously monitors his blood sugar levels and sounds an alarm when he is about to hypo. It has now been over two weeks this has been happening and we are exhausted. We wake to an alarm, that you never know when it will go off, feed him apple juice and then, in theory, go back to sleep. But you are awake and worried, sleep is light and combined with constant waking up to check his levels.

We are working with our amazing hospital team and think we have identified why this is happening. We are reducing his long-lasting insulin but each decrease takes a week to take effect. 

With all this going on I really needed to clear my head, so out into the garden I went. First job was to take down down the hanging baskets and clean them out ready for spring. The plants are pretty much dead and it is not really what you want to be looking at from the kitchen window.

Three rather dead hanging baskets

The last purple Petunia

Fading Osteospermum
I did a lot of weeding and tidying up the summer bedding, many of the plants had gone over and it was looking rather messy. I left in any plants that still had some flowers.

Summer Bedding last few flowers

Dahila starting to fade
Thanks to this quiet time outside tending to the garden I am ready for another battle with type 1. 


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