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Winter Container Flowers

The Primroses and Primula that I planted in the border by the back door have been a real success, if you want to have a look... Winter flowers primroses and primula. I now want to add some more colour to the front garden. I often talk about all these grand ideas and never actually get round to buying the plants. This has been a resolution for this year, do things like this not to just talk about it.

Firstly the compost, I am trying out Dalefoot composts, they have a super clay buster which I have used before and was excellent. When chatting online I was told their wool compost was great for pots as it was peat free and the wool helped water retention, so that's what I bought. 

Next the plants, again all on offer and this is what we did with this little lot

6 Trailing Pansies

I decided to try these in a hanging basket, the colours are yellow and purple. I filled the basket three-quarters full with compost and placed the plants in, when happy with the look I filled it up with compost. I had to take my gloves off for this job as you need to get the compost into all the spaces left.


I only bought 6 and wish I had got the 18 which were on a brilliant offer.

These pink ones looked great in an old bucket we had. The cream more traditional style primrose I put in the pot I had Violas in. I am not sure the pot is deep enough but we shall see, they look lovely. Again filled each one about three quarters and placed the plants until I was happy then filled in with compost.

Tete a Tete

Mini daffodils and I just love them, I already have one pot that I rescued last year Bulb rescue. As these are bulbs they will die down and come back again next year.

These are how they look planted and placed.

The compost and flowers cost me £23, I have over half a bag of compost left and if I had bought 18 rather then 6 it would not have cost too much more. Maybe something to try this half term with the kids? ZAP had a super time making a mess. 

Mudpie Fridays


  1. Oh I love all the colours. It all looks fantastic. I love the Primrose in the bucket. #Blogstravaganza

  2. What lovely containers you've made up, I love spring flowers, great inspiration to get me planting up our baskets! #BloggerClubUK

    1. I was so pleased with them and they are still alive which is good

  3. What a lovely way to brighten up a garden. Some fantastic ideas X #blogstravaganza

    1. Thank you I am really pleased with them and loving the bright colours x

  4. Your flowers look lovely. Nice and colourful in the run-up to Spring! :) Thanks for linking up to #Blogstravaganza

    1. They are so special at this time of year make such a difference x

  5. These are beautiful, I love flowers in Spring! Thanks so much for sharing with #Blogstravaganza xx

    1. After a couple of months of nothing the colours are just needed and make you feel so much better xx

  6. They look beautiful!! I've got a couple of planters at home to fill, I think I might go for some Primulas as well. #stayclassymama

  7. Love these perfect for spring. Thank u for linking up with Tactical Tuesdays

  8. You are so good with plants! I wish... I love pansies but I haven't been able to get them here for ages. Not sure why. Thank you for sharing with #StayCLassyMama


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