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Food Bank Advent

I have been thinking a lot about Christmas, the news headlines seem obsessed about how much was spent over Chritmas time and if it does not go up that is deemed as a failure, this has always seemed so wrong to me. Spending more each year is not what Christmas is about, this year I wanted to give more back. I was wondering how this was possible but then a tweet from katykicker popped up about #foodbankadvent and this was perfect.

I spoke with a couple of friends about it and we are going to do it together so roughly 6 days each, but we may do more if we want to.

We are going to hand it in early December Christmas so the food bank know what they have stock wise.

We will be putting in in lots of lovely treats for Christmas these are a few examples

Tea - ours currently has plenty so will check this again
Hot chocolate and marshmallows
Sanitary products - ours currently has plenty so will check again
Shower gel, Deodorant, Shampoo and Conditioner
Gravy granules
Tinned fruit
Steamed puddings

Are just a few examples.

I contacted our local food bank who thought this was a great idea and said there was a priority cards at Tesco so I will pop and have a look and supplied a list of items we can give, but some special items like festive chocolates, biscuits and toiletries would be appreciated.

Your local food bank will always let you know what items to supply and what they need so that you get the correct items. Most food banks have a website and you can see items they have plenty of and items they need. 

Tussell Trust

I will buy a couple of extra bits in the shop between now and early December and I hope these nice things will help others to take a little stress away from Christmas which can be such a hard time of year for so many.

It would be lovely for more to join in and if like me you start now it can spread across a few weeks. Its does not have to be 25 days just a few items will always be so greatly received. I will carry this on next year and make sure it is not just for Christmas.


Cup of Toast
Cuddle Fairy
3 Little Buttons


  1. Thank you for highlighting this. I’ll look into it around here x

  2. This is a great idea, I'll have to do one for my local food bank #DreamTeam

    1. I am so glad I have done it this year and we have a nice mix of practical and treat items x

  3. What a wonderful thing to do. We have a local food bank too, I keep thinking when the kids have left home I'll help there on Christmas Day #DreamTeam

    1. Thank you, trying to do a little bit and thinking of others this year and doing something practical as well xx

  4. What a lovely thing to do, I'm sure you'll be helping lots of people with your generosity.

    1. Thank you, I hope so and lots of people are saying they want to join in which is just brilliant xx

  5. You inspired me so I called my local food bank and asked what they needed. The administrator hesitated for a moment before cautiously saying they needed money. Apparently they can make money stretch very far and order food from restaurant suppliers in bulk, much cheaper than even I would pay in bulk. I was surprised, but so happy he explained this to me. I'm writing them a check for the cost I would have spent on food! #DreamTeam

    1. Heather you have made my day xxx so good you called and he could explain why they needed money and so gald you can help them xx

  6. I think helping food banks is great. My sisters and I out several boxes together every year. But as Heather says above, I might ring them and see what they need more - as it may be money, which I am happy to do. #Blogstravaganza

    1. yes seems sometimes the money can be more useful and how lovely you do this every year already, going to start this tradition now xx

  7. I'll ensure to do this this year and get the teens involved too!! Thank you for the inspiration!!

    1. That is so great to hear and I have been so guilty of thinking about it and not doing it, feels good to have finally got it sorted xx

  8. This is lovely, thank you for sharing with #Blogstravaganza Sarah. I do this with my boys at this time of year too, along with our calendar of goodwill and we make up shoe boxes of presents for the local homeless charity as well. We are lucky to have a very active community that gets involved, I agree that it is a time that giving back should be more important than extravagant gifts (in my opinion ;) ). My boys love it too! xx

    1. Love the shoe box idea I will have a look into that. Such a good time to show kids both sides of the giving and the getting gifts and them knowing some people need support at what can be such a hard time of year xx

  9. This is such a great idea - I haven't heard of it before #DreamTeam

    1. Thank you, nor had I and I just fell for it as a way I could do something x


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