With everything going on I have discovered more and more the delights of our garden. The garden is a mess and it's taking a lot of back breaking work but it's just what I need at the moment, digging and then weeding you can get lost in everything. Most of the time I have my boys with me so have a combination of gardening and being invited to a tea party of muddy water and a mint and basil cake or pulling all the flowers from any shrub or rose and telling me it's party time. I thought I would post a few photos to show what we are working with and how we are moving forward, be it very slowly. A image of the borders I am trying to clear out. This is my amazing but very small part of our bramble jungle that needs to be gotten rid of, though not before we have lots of blackberrys to put into vodka. I also need to rescue our sloes from the brambles, need to get my prioritys right, sloe vodka is amazing. This is our front border at the moment, as you can see I need to continu...
A blog full of meal planning ideas with a few recipes thrown in and lots of gardening where you can learn with me along the way.