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Meal time blues

It's been a long old week in our household and yet again it's food that is making us want to bury our heads in the sand. OB has always had issues around food mainly involving texture and the look. But now he has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes this means when I administer his insulin I need him to eat or he can hypo which means blood sugar running to low and he will not feel very well (putting it mildly). We inject before meals as it's to easy to forget after and I feel have your injection them yummy food is a good way round.
So when you have given the injection and for the fourth day running he looks at the meals he normally eats says yuck and demands cake you wonder a few things. Is it the food are the issues regarding texture and look increasing or is he in fact thinking if I do not eat i get something sweet so let's cut straight to sweet or is this a normal child development and it's a phase.
Tonight I got to a point we had given him his insulin and sat him at the table he looked at the gnocchi and tomato sauce said yuck but instantly said cake. My mother instincts told me this is a cheeky little boy who has learnt if I do not eat my main they will give me food as they know I have to eat. So tonight he did not eat and I gave him for pudding a banana and yogurt my husband and I watched him like a hawk for possible hypo symptoms. He wanted to go outside but was told in simple language no dinner no outside we could not risk a possible hypo. 
So this week my meal plans will be changing we are going to try the following to see what's a success 
Plain pasta and sauce completely separate
Pasta mixed with a tomato sauce that's been blitzed and has no bits
Plain food so carrots, broccoli, potato in some form and meat all separate 
The reason for me having to go back to basics is that he can not tell me what he does not like as he does not have the understanding or language. This is where the speech and language disorder combined with autism traits and compounded by type 1 mean I have to work hard to figure out what's going on in his mind and try to get him eating his food again. Let's hope next week update is a little more positive and we have moved forward.


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