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Fancy a garden tour?

With everything going on I have discovered more and more the delights of our garden. The garden is a mess and it's taking a lot of back breaking work but it's just what I need at the moment, digging and then weeding you can get lost in everything. Most of the time I have my boys with me so have a combination of gardening and being invited to a tea party of muddy water and a mint and basil cake or pulling all the flowers from any shrub or rose and telling me it's party time.
I thought I would post a few photos to show what we are working with and how we are moving forward, be it very slowly.

A image of the borders I am trying to clear out.

This is my amazing but very small part of our bramble jungle that needs to be gotten rid of, though not before we have lots of blackberrys to put into vodka. I also need to rescue our sloes from the brambles, need to get my prioritys right, sloe vodka is amazing.

This is our front border at the moment, as you can see I need to continue digging along and weeding. Please note the blue spade is my boys and not mine. My main concern is just weeding and digging in some life to the soil. Though with all the garden I am amazed at the number of worms I have found, I am sure this must be good. The front I am going to try and get some spring bulbs planted for some colour in the new year, but I must admit its a hard ask as there is a lot to do.

This is our well, we live on the plot of an old farmhouse there are two wells and ours is 50ft deep and when we moved in it was not covered apart from some old rotten boards!!!! As you can see we have had it covered by a professional company and now in theory you can park a car on it. But it's a lovely area  that is crying out for plants and colour.

The last area for tonight is in front of our dining room again the picture just shows the issues we have but how we can change the whole garden and make it our own. This little area catches the sun for a long time during the day but needs massive of weeding and TLC. I think I need to buy in manure by the truck load.

I hope you have enjoyed a little stroll around parts of the garden. I have so many plans but trying to rein myself into get the basics right first. But the grand plan is veggies, fruit, chickens, bee friendly and a family space where we can all find solace and peace away from our hectic and stressful lives. Not just our family but my friends I want this to be a space all our mums of special needs children can come for a coffee we can sit and just relax. That's my dream I just need the time to make it happen.


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