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Digging some me time

This afternoon Mr MC&W was playing FIFA and ZAP was happily playing. I felt a real need to get outside. So I wrapped up warm, put on my wellies with about six pairs of socks and grabbed my gardening gloves.

Last week I posted about the border we have created and the fact the soil type is pretty heavy clay. Being so time poor I decided to start giving it a dig over to see exactly what I am dealing with. I found the clay soil was as bad first thought and roots, so many roots, there are brambles, nettles, ivy and countless other weeds.

At first, this was very disheartening, I stood up and slowly look around at the enormous amount of hard work ahead. But when I started to dig I found it to be very enjoyable. We have a very busy life, OB with his type 1 and ASD is a constant worry. Blood sugar checks, carb counting, hypos and hypers. It is a emotional rollercoaster  that you can not exit. Mr MC&W has a very stressful job with long hours commuting. Combined with a toddler who is into everything and making sure ATM has the attention  he so desperately needs.. Sometimes it can  get a little  overwhelming.

But as I dug, pulled the roots out of the ground, nothing mattered, my head was in a gardening zone. I came inside not only refreshed from the fresh air but somehow mentally rested. The plan is to dig the whole border over, pulling up as many roots as I can. Then to dig in lots of manure. Really prepare the soil for the planting.

I have lots of digging to do and I am sure it's going to be rather good for me physically and mentally.

DIY Daddy Blog

My Random Musings

Petite Pudding


  1. I totally get what you mean here. Plus you will feel so proud when it's done. I had my garden revamped last year. It was really hard work, but worth every minute x

    1. So agree and the children are finding it really interesting how we can make the space useable and come to life c

  2. It is great to find an outlet, something where you can switch off and just be in the moment. Thank you for linking up to #EatSleepBlogRT 🌟

    1. Thanks and yes it's wonderful and maybe we can have some veggies out of it as well xx

  3. Oh isn't this just the wonderful thing about fresh air? Just to clear your mind and help put your thoughts in order. I often take my dogs for a walk when I'm feeling like this and it does absolutely wonders. Enjoy your digging! #BloggerClubUK

    1. It just makes so much difference, even just a few moments xxx

  4. Feels so good getting out and doing something you enjoy - you feel refreshed after it :) #thatfridaylinky

    1. Thank you and yes so agree. It is amazing how much better it can make you feel x

  5. It does feel to get good to get outside and do some gardening. I really enjoy it. Thanks for linking up to #ThatFridayLinky

    1. Glad you enjoy it too. It's great when your plans come together and you create something or grow something to make you smile x

  6. Fab way gardening to refresh your mind well done Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please

    1. Thank you. I think we all need to find something that gives us some time to clear our heads

  7. Ah that's sounds so lovely! I need to do this more, we always get so couped up in the house it's so good to get out and have some fresh air. Great tip! Thanks for sharing with #stayclassymama!

    1. Agree, I have to make some serious time and stick to it. Love getting outside xx


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