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A honest look at our garden August 2018

I love my garden but sometimes I look and sigh, today is one of those days.

We have had a tough time gardening, late frosts followed by constant rain then came the long hot and dry summer, all this combined with three kids including a toddler has led to what follows.

This is the view from the climbers on the far fence at the moment.

We have leaves fallen from the lollipop trees due to the heat and lack of rain, the climbers are very slow in growing and we have quite a few dead branches, however the bindweed is growing very well among the climbers and loving the location.

This is the border just in front of the lollipop trees, we planted what I mistakenly though was winter flowing bedding, in fact, they have been flowering since late spring but are now starting to go over, adding to the beauty of half dead flowers is the grass doing very well at the bottom of the sleeper.

The next area of mess is the new border we created when a new fence was put up. We brought some plants, despite watering they have mainly died and we were cross with ourselves with the planting we did as it looked rather sad, one pathetic line of plants. What really went wrong was we brought plants before we sorted out the terrible soil.

Lastly the sad sad dead hanging basket.

This is an honest story of our garden view right now, after a large cuppa and piece of cake I will plan what we are going to do to improve this situation. 

Tale of Mummyhood
Cup of Toast

Mudpie Fridays
Shank You Very Much


  1. I'm thinking of what Monty Don (allegedly) said about getting "Garden Envy" when visiting other people's gardens!! Still, it's good that you are honest about the situation. And as all gardeners say "There's always next year"!

    1. Thanks Mark, I look at most gardens with envy hahaha but I will get back on it and sort it out (at least try) x

  2. This is such a relief to see, I'm sorry for your losses but I know I'm not alone. :-)

    1. Thanks Tim I thought this would be good for others to see and realise its not all amazing blooms

  3. I love tour honest account and I am sure many people can relate X #Stayclassymama #Bloggerclubuk

    1. the post has gone down so well, think people feel its hard and like to see when it goes wrong

  4. I have a very small garden on my deck. My tomatos are shooting right for the sky but sadly my radish plants did not make it past the first hard heat wave. Such is life. #blogstravaganza

    1. tomatoes are loving the heat but it is the constant watering to keep them alive that is hard xx

  5. Oh your hanging baskets!! :( Our garden looks much the same, I think that despite watering it we might have even lost our magnolia ;( I'm hoping the rainstorm we had today might have helped some of the plant life though, in your garden and ours! Thank you for linking up with #Blogstravaganza xx

    1. oh nooo not your beautiful tree, i hope she comes back for you that would be just heart breaking xx

  6. don't despair about your garden, I find that I learn something new with each passing season and it motivates me to try to grow different things or try different methods. This year I grew some different lettuces but so many bugs ate them to shreds that I think I will stick to carrots, squash, bell peppers, and tomatoes next year. My first year gardening, everything was destroyed by rabbits that got into our unprotected yard. I learned my lesson this time around. #Blogstravaganza

  7. Its been a tough summer for gardening with all the heat and lack of rain , even here in Wales. Fortunately we do not have hosepipe bans and I have (just about) managed to water the pots /beds and lawns onc a day. I have not managed as i hoped i would to water the pots with a can and a feed once a week because just keeping everything hydrated has been challenging enough. Never mind the dead heading etc. There have still been a few casualties but the lavender has been exceptional as were the montana clemetis earlier in the spring #dreamteam

  8. This weather has really taken its toll on the gardens, just 2 weeks ago our grass looked like straw and so many plants had just dried out. I hope you come up with a plan. #blogstravaganza

  9. I kill everything I try to grow. The moment my cactus died I called it quits for good! #DreamTeam

  10. I love having a nosey at other people's gardens! It's really not that bad - nothing a couple of afternoons childfree wouldn't fix! #BloggerClubUK

  11. Our garden is a disaster zone! The lawn is almost dead and several of the bushes and plants died while we were away on holiday. Thanks for linking up with #stayclassymama

  12. You are doing so well growing your own. I'm jealous. I'm not very good at it at all. Love the look of your beets. Yum. Thank you for sharing with #stayclassymama


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