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Winter Flowering Bedding Review

You may wonder why I am publishing a winter flower bedding review in mid-August.

We got our winter bedding from Thompson and Morgan, they sent an email about them being on special offer, we got 
Pansy and Dianthus barbatus (sweet Williams). Due to my lack of gardening knowledge and the fact I clearly did not read the details on the plants properly, I thought we were getting some bedding plants to provide us with flowers through the cold winter months.

Garden ready winter bedding plants

We watched them all through the winter do nothing, just sitting there looking sad, then all of a sudden they started to grow. But the snow came, leaving them completely covered, but these are hard plants and did not die, no they grew and grew.

I was hoping for flowers maybe early spring but I just got the tiny signs of buds but still, nothing happened, then late spring early summer and finally they came alive. 

The plants have been amazing, they have grown well and given us beautiful flowers, survived huge differences in weather and made the border look stunning. But not when I wanted it to look stunning. The success of these has made me consider buying plug plants again, I can be very time poor and this is a real way forward for me with annuals.

It is now mid-August and they are now dying back, I am not sure exactly what we are going to do or the rest of the summer. My feeling is to let them die back and then get a whole load of farmyard manure to get the soil ready for some bulb planting in the autumn and yes I will next time read everything a little more carefully.

Cup of Toast
3 Little Buttons


  1. I think it takes some time to get a really good garden going. I just finished my second summer season of gardening and I'm learning what grows best here where I live. Your flowers look great. #Blogstravaganza

  2. Your flowers look beautiful! I haven't got ours quite right yet. I have gaps in the winter and June sort of time. I definitely need to do some more reading as well! Thank you for linking up with #Blogstravaganza :)

  3. We really need to get our garden in order! Especially for the winter months. We're still learning a lot about gardening x #DreamTeam

  4. So pretty and worth the winter wait. #DreamTeam


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